salazar v. district of columbia

954 F. Supp. 278 (D.D.C. 1996)



Related Documents

April 1995, Second Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief

September 1997 D.D.C. Reimbursement Procedures Order

July 1998 D.D.C. Order Partially Modifying the Reimbursement Procedures of the Amended Remedial Order of May 1997 and the Reimbursement Procedures Order of September 15, 1997

September 1998  D.D.C. Stipulated Order Partially Modifying the Order of July 30, 1998 Concerning Reimbursement Procedures

January 1999 D.D.C. Settlement Order

December 1999 D.D.C. Order Concerning Reimbursement Procedures

July 2000 D.D.C. MCO Order

July 2000 D.D.C. Technical Amendment Consent Order

August 2000 D.D.C. Technical Amendment Consent Order

October 18, 2000 Order Making Technical Amendments to Certain Provisions in the January 25, 1999 Order

September 2001 D.D.C. EPSDT Memorandum Opinion

February 2003 D.D.C. Order on Children's Blood Lead Testing and Dental Health

October 2004 D.D.C. Opinion on Children’s Dental Health

October 2004 D.D.C. Order on Children’s Dental Health

September 2005 D.D.C. Stipulated Order Establishing Reimbursement Procedures for Medicaid Beneficiaries Enrolled with a District of Columbia Managed Care Organization

July 2006 D.D.C. Opinion on Civil Coercive Penalties for the District of Columbia

August 2008 D.D.C. Opinion Assessing Civil Coercive Penalties against the District of Columbia

April 2009 Consent Order re EPSDT Notice and Outreach

February 2010 D.D.C. Opinion on Children’s Dental Health Order Will Not be Vacated

April 2010 D.C. Circuit Opinion On Civil Coercive Penalties against the District of Columbia

August 2010 D.D.C. Memorandum Opinion Denying Motion to Terminate

February 2011 D.C. Circuit Opinion Children’s Dental Health Order Will Not be Vacated

March 2012 D.C. Circuit Opinion Dismissing Appeal

April 22, 2013, OAH Order for Continuing EPSDT Benefits Pending Fair Hearing Resolution

July 2, 2013 District Court Order for Status Conference to Address Chartered Pull Out from DC Medicaid

October 2013 District Court Order Terminating Recertification Provisions of Settlement Order

February 2014 Order on Extension for Reimbursement Claims

May 19, 2015 Memorandum Opinion on Salazar Class Members and Reimbursement of Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Documents from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

Documents from District of Columbia Medicaid Agencies


Call Terris, Pravlik & Millian, LLP, for free advice and/or free legal help with your DC Medicaid problem on our hotline at (202) 682-0578. Please note that our legal representation of you will not begin until you sign a retainer agreement with us.

If you are a recipient of Medicaid in the District of Columbia and are experiencing problems, our law firm may be able to provide you with free legal help or refer you to another agency if we are not able to help. We can provide free legal help with the following problems:

  • Medical services and screening (such as blood lead tests, vision and hearing examinations) for children up to the age of 21 (the EPSDT program). If your child has been prescribed a medically necessary service (such as speech therapy, in-home nursing or personal care assistance, occupational therapy, dental or orthodontic care) or needs to be screening for a possible problem (such as needing eye glasses or to know his or her blood lead level) and you are having trouble getting the service for your child, we can assist you.

  • Problems at recertification. If you received a notice or have been cut off from Medicaid at recertification time even though you mailed back your form, we may be able to help you.

  • Reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses that should have been covered by Medicaid or assistance if you are being billed for medical expenses when you had Medicaid at the time. Such claims usually must be submitted within six months, so contact us promptly.