Coastline of Roosevelt Campobello International Park (Lubec, ME)

Coastline of Roosevelt Campobello International Park (Lubec, ME)



TPM is a leader in the litigation of environmental issues on behalf of individuals, neighborhood groups, national environmental organizations, and governments.


Our firm has been successful in:


  • Ensuring access to the federal courts by setting landmark precedents on citizens’ standing to sue under the United States Constitution


  • Requiring that federal agencies comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)


  • Requiring the clean up of contaminated sites that present an imminent and substantial endangerment to human health and/or the environment under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)


  • Prohibiting public access to hazardous waste contaminated areas in a public park through enforcement of RCRA


  • Stopping development of an oil refinery that would have impacted Roosevelt-Campobello International Park and the whale population in the St. Lawrence River


  • Stopping numerous companies from discharging pollutants into waterways under the Clean Water Act (CWA)


  • Directing monies paid for environmental act violations to local environmental projects, including millions of dollars given to the Environmental Endowment for New Jersey


  • Requiring facilities without environmental permits to obtain permits


Click here to download the environmental resume of the firm.