Terris, Pravlik & Millian, LLP


providing legal services in the public interest since 1970






 Mineral King Valley (subject of Sierra Club v. Morton), courtesy of Earthjustice

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Dedicated to providing the highest quality legal services to those who cannot afford to pay usual attorneys’ fees



Based in the District of Columbia, our firm specializes in complex federal litigation in the public interest. Since its establishment in 1970, in the early days of the environmental movement, our firm has been a pioneer in environmental litigation, setting landmark precedents in the federal courts — including the United States Supreme Court.  

Our firm has also been a leader in civil rights litigation, representing individuals and groups denied equal access to education, medical care, reasonable accommodations for disabilities, fair employment, fair housing, and public accommodations.

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recent news

TPM is Pleased to Welcome Four Associate Attorneys

TPM Partner Todd Gluckman Testifies at D.C. Council Oversight Hearing Related to Special Education Issues

United States Weighs in with a Statement of Interest Supporting the Enforcement Suit TPM Filed with Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. (CLASI) Alleging that Delaware Is Illegally Denying Education to Incarcerated Students with Disabilities

TPM Files FOIA Action to Obtain Information about Government Monitoring of Vulnerable Youth Entering the U.S. for the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights and Immigrant Defenders Law Center

TPM and Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. (CLASI) File Federal Lawsuit Alleging that Delaware Illegally Denies Education to Incarcerated Students with Disabilities

Notice to Plaintiff Class in DL v. District of Columbia

Notice to Plaintiff Class in DL v. District of Columbia

Federal Court Gives Final Approval to the Settlement to Vindicate the Education Rights of Students with Disabilities at the DC Jail

TPM Is Pleased to Announce that Sarah A. Adams Has Become a Partner

Notice to Members of the Plaintiff Class in the Charles H. v. DC Case Brought to Enforce the Education Rights of Students with Disabilities Who Were at the DC Jail from March 2020 to Now

Federal Court Preliminarily Approves the Settlement Agreement to Vindicate the Education Rights of Students with Disabilities at the DC Jail

TPM Mourns the Loss of Edward L. Lloyd, Our Great Friend, Co-Counsel, and Environmental Stalwart


Call Terris, Pravlik & Millian for free advice and/or free legal help with your DC Medicaid problem at (202) 682-0578. Please note that our legal representation of you will not begin until you sign a retainer agreement with us.













Mineral King Valley, courtesy of Earthjustice

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